Wednesday 21 March 2012

How many times can a man turn his head, 
pretending he just doesn't see?
 ~“Blowin’ in the Wind”, Bob Dylan~

Today is the 47th observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD).  The Day was declared pursuant to a 1966 United Nations General Assembly Resolution, to be observed annually on March 21.  The date was chosen to mark the 1960 killing by police of 69 peaceful demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa who were protesting the "pass laws", a key tool used to control the Black population and maintain the apartheid system. 

I hope the fact that this is the 47th IDERD is not lost on anyone.  I am fairly certain that the General Assembly members who passed the 1966 Resolution would be heartsick that in 2012 we still have need to observe this day as a reminder of the work that remains to be done in the cause of  eliminating racial discrimination.  I know it makes my heart heavy.  And the irony of the juxtaposition of this Day with the clamour over the killing of Trayvon Martin is bitter in its own right.

I am not going to take a position on either side of the maelstrom that has enveloped this tragic incident.  There is so much pain and anger, so many accusations directed at a wide range of people and institutions, and so few verified facts that I do not believe that I can reasonably conclude anything at this juncture.  That is not to say that I am not utterly dismayed and disappointed that something like this could even have happened.  Like many people, I am, and for a myriad of reasons on multiple levels.  I applaud the outcry for a thorough investigation, and I applaud the fact that this outcry has stimulated the justice system into a response.  How that response plays out will be scrutinized by millions, as it should be.  One thing is already clear to me—there are many lessons to be learned here.  Among them:

  • We ignore the issue of racial discrimination at our peril.  The UN made that point in its IDERD Resolution in 1966. It is indeed unfortunate and disheartening that we still struggle with this simple truth today.

  • Racial discrimination has many faces.  It is not only about statutes and policies.  It is as much about unconscious and ingrained attitudes and visceral reactions as it is about intentional and obvious bigotry. 

  • We all have the capacity for discrimination. It is not the exclusive province of the wealthy or the White or the uneducated. 

  • Despite their shortcomings (and every nation has them), we are blessed both in the United States and Canada with societies that listen when we raise our voices in outrage over a potential miscarriage of justice and perversion of the social contract.  The cries of Mr. Martin’s family that were repeated first by mainstream media have turned into a deafening din thanks to social media.  We can be grateful and proud that the peoples’ collective voices are heard by our governments and our justice systems.  That is a privilege and a power that we take for granted, and one that is utterly nonexistent, or fatally flawed, in many other nations.  Without it, we risk outcries turning into an oxymoron called vigilante justice.
  • With privilege comes obligation.  By definition, privilege is advantage gained at the expense of those who do not hold it.  If for no reason other than our self-interest in an orderly and peaceful society, we have an obligation to use our voices to eliminate the oppression that accompanies subjugation. 
  • Our voices are powerful tools, but only if we use them. 
So on this Day, let’s vow to stop turning our heads, and start making noise.  Let’s make a world in which we will not need to observe the 94th annual Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


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